Hello,we are The Digital Ethics Company

We're told that Life is Random. Alas, most of the time, it isn't. We're here to bring you the real randomness your business didn't know it needed.

The Healthier the seeds, the stronger the crops

Entropy Starvation is a Thing....

Trust is almost at a Perfect Storm, with people, process *and* technology all broken to some extent

How are we supposed to fix our trust issues *and* keep the lights on?!

  • Life. Simplified.

  • Automatic Notifications

  • Keep Your Apps and Devices Connected

Welcome to TrustNo1. A new type of SaaS offering. Offering Entropy. Randomness. As a Service. Quantum Sourced Entropy. A family of next generation services designed to deliver quality. Provably Measurable, demonstrable quality. Quantum Quality. Real-Time. Not after the fact. From the UK. To our friends. For the World. Because for once, the right thing to do, is also the Smart thing to do. 

We can all agree that we all want to secure our Futures, right?

Securing our Future requires somehow Securing the Internet. At least, making it better than it is now, because it's got to the point where it  either gets better or it cease to capture our imaginations in quite the same way as our hopes gives way to fear.

Securing the Internet requires Trust. For machines, Technology requires something called strong cryptography to make that Trust work. Cryptography builds trust be using strong methods and strong keys. Making strong keys depends on a machine having a good source of something called entropy on hand. If a machine can't find enough of this entropy, it muddles through as best it can, but as it goes out into its world a very vulnerable thing indeed.  Some have shown us to be much more brittle that we ever thought, as the risks and vulnerabilities associated with any monoculture begin to express themselves in both Cloud and IoT environments.

We might not realise it, but we need this entropy hundreds of times a day, just so that all the technology in our lives can generate the strong keys it needs to talk to each other safely.

Weak keys lead to things getting hacked, and that leads to people getting hurt.

Not so great for the Future. So...We thought we'd step in and do something about it.

Now if a working definition of Insanity is to do the same thing over and over and expect different results, we thought that that would probably be the best place to start. So we found a truly random quantum source. In fact, it's the only quantum computing device we found that was able to prove how random it's behaving. Now it's one thing to create a constant stream of good quality homework. But it's quite another to not only be able to mark your homework in real-time as you write it - but also to enable someone else to mark your homework in real-time, as you create it, the fact that both happen simultaneously is yet another of the truly random yet extraordinary things to have evolved since we decided the time had come to embark on this journey.

  One thing we've learned in our travels is that People don't like being told what to do. Especially about something they don't understand well. Especially when it sounds kinda boring too. So we thought, the best thing to do would be to offer a Service that would let people fix their own problems. For themselves. Forever.

So we built TrustNo1.

TrustNo1 is a fully redundant, Quantum-Sourced, UK Sovereign "Entropy as a Service" Service Set, that's engineered to NIST standards, with a plethora of operational, deployment and consumption models.  It delivers entropy to those who need it from either centralised or decentralized roots of trust, scaling across diverse geopolitical locales and remaining trustworthy even if much of the collective were compromised.

Wait, what? That last bit... In English please
  • We stand at the cusp of something new...

    Quasimodo J. Fandango III

  • ...an Orthogonal Pivot Point....

    Quasimodo J. Fandango III

  • ...as my Grandma would always never say.

    Quasimodo J. Fandango III

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